Campus Center, 4th Floor
UMass Boston
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125
Are you looking for information about your GPA? Do you want to know how to audit a course? Need information about an "NA" grade you received? You've come to the right place, our Grades section has all this and more!
Grading System
Grade | Grade Points Per Credit |
A | 4.00 |
A- | 3.70 |
B+ | 3.30 |
B | 3.00 |
B- | 2.70 |
C+ | 2.30 |
C | 2.00 |
C- | 1.70 |
D+ | 1.30 |
D | 1.00 |
D- | .70 |
F or IF | .00 |
Pass/Fail :
P -Credits are counted in Graduation Credits only
F -Counts as a failure (counts in cumulative credits)
For more info please visit our pass/fail policy
Other Grades:
NA, W and INC are not calculated.
AUDIT -Credits for completed audits are not calculated
NAU -The not completed audit grade is not calculated
Y-Place holder grade for a Year long course
For more info please visit our NA Grade Policy
For more info please visit our INC grade policy
Applies to Graduate Courses Only:
SAT -Satisfactory credits are counted in Graduation Credits only
AUD -Audit credits are not counted at all
GPA Calculation Tools
Need an easy way to calculate a cumulative, semester or goal GPA?
Visit the University Advising Center's My GPA Calculator
The steps below explain how to manually calculate your GPA, which can be useful for calculating your GPA in your major
- Current students can use their unofficial transcript or Degree Audit from WISER self service to view their classes and grades earned
- The GPA Points are calculated using the system below, per credit:
A 4.00 B- 2.70 D+ 1.30
A- 3.70 C+ 2.30 D 1.00
B+ 3.30 C 2.00 D- 0.70
B 3.00 C- 1.70 F or IF 0.00
The following grade types do not count in your GPA Units or Points:
W: Withdrawn | INC: Incomplete | P: Pass |
NA: Nonattendance | AUD: Audit | NAU: Not Completed Audit |
SAT: Satisfactory | COM: Completed Competency | Y: Year Long Course |
Multiply the credit hours by the grade GPA points (using the chart above) for each course. The value equals the Points for the course.
For example: If you earned a B+ in a 4-credit course, the points would be calculated:
4 (credits) × 3.3 (GPA Points) = 13.2 (Points per class) -
To calculate a cumulative GPA you need the total of attempted credits, this number is listed under the GPA Units or GPA CALC HRS on your record, Divided by the total GPA points which are listed under Points or GPA Points on your record.
GPA is calculated to the 3rd decimal point
For example using the sample semester below:
27.9 (Points) ÷ 9 (GPA units) = 3.1 (Cumulative GPA)

You may audit a course that you have not previously taken and have the audit recorded on the official transcript as "AUD." The course will not carry any earned credit. It will not satisfy any degree requirements, nor will it count towards your official enrollment status. Tuition and fees are assessed at the regular rate. Financial aid cannot be applied to pay for audited courses.
Grading Conditions for the audit are negotiated by the student and the instructor. At the end of the semester, the instructor will enter an AUD to signify you have satisfactorily completed the audit and it will be so noted on the transcript. If you do not earn the audit, the instructor will enter the grade of NAU - Audit not completed. An audited course carries no academic credit and, therefore, may be audited multiple times or taken for a grade.
NA Grade
The “NA” grade may be placed on a student's transcript if the student has registered for a course, and:
- did not attend the course during the Add/Drop period, and
- failed to drop the course by the published Add/Drop deadline.
Faculty who take attendance may submit a grade of “NA” by the designated deadline, usually during the first month of the semester.
Once a grade of NA has been assigned:
- It cannot be changed to a letter grade.
- The student is no longer allowed to attend that class.
- The NA grade does not affect a student’s GPA.
- The NA grade could impact a student’s financial aid award.
- The student is responsible for all tuition and fees for the course with the NA grade.
Dean's List
Dean's List achievement is noted on an undergraduate student's transcript when s/he has achieved a certain minimum grade point average (GPA) in a given semester.
Each college has its own standard:
College of Liberal Arts:
- At least 9 graded credits with a 3.50 GPA or higher and no incompletes. Courses with a grade of "P" do not count towards the 9 graded credits.
College of Science and Mathematics & School for the Environment :
- At least 12 credits with a GPA of 3.5 or above and no grades below a C. Courses with a grade of “P” do not count towards the 12 graded credits.
McCormack School of Policy Studies:
- At least 9 credits with a GPA of 3.5 or above. Courses with a grade of “P” do not count towards the 9 graded credits.
College of Nursing and Health Sciences:
- Nursing: At least 9 credits with a 3.5 GPA or higher. Courses with a grade of “P” do not count towards the 9 graded credits.
- Exercise and Health Sciences: At least 12 credits with a 3.5 GPA or higher. Courses with a grade of “P” do not count towards the 12 graded credits.
College of Management:
- A minimum of two courses in that semester.
GPA of 3.6 or higher, no incomplete grades.
Latin Honors
Latin Honors are awarded only to undergraduate students that have graduated. The honors are based on your cumulative grade point average at the time of graduation:
- Cum Laude 3.3 to 3.49
- Magna Cum Laude 3.5 to 3.74
- Summa Cum Laude 3.75 to 4.0
Campus Center, 4th Floor
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125
Registrar Records Area
Campus Center, 4th Floor
UMass Boston
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125